有关"内部会计控制intertnal accounting control"的英文文献

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有关"内部会计控制intertnal accounting control"的英文文献
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Firm Value, Information Problems and the Internal Capital Market
Leonard L. Lundstrum
...problems between the firm and the investor affect the value of an internal capital market. While the extant literature finds that, on average, the diversified...

Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, Volume 21, Number 2 / 2003年9月
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Nordic Cultural Baselines: Accounting for Domestic Convergence and Foreign Policy Divergence
Gunnar Grendstad
Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, Volume 3, Number 1 / 2001年6月
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The Demand for Accounting Conservatism for Management Control
Young K. Kwon, D. Paul Newman and Yoon S. Suh
...the penalties that can be imposed on agents are limited. Weconsider an accounting system whose reports are used for contracting andwhose parameters are contr